Monday 28 March 2016

Loss of Faith - review

Bestselling author Bruce Simon Barker is known for his crime thrillers, but when the baby of a wealthy couple goes missing, he’s thrown into the middle of a real life crime.

Persuaded to help by his daughter and friend Sarah, a police detective, Simon begins to dig into the background of the family as well as the nanny and finds they all have something to hide.

As Simon regularly reaches the bottom of a bottle of scotch while sharing custody of his daughter, he spends time trying to figure out who to trust and the motive behind Adrian’s disappearance. But when people involved begin turning up dead, Simon has to work quickly to find baby Adrian before he becomes the next victim.

This 90’s crime drama starring the late John Ritter didn’t particularly grip me but I wanted to know how it ended. I wouldn’t rush to recommend it as it became quite predictable towards the end, but it was good as a one off watch.

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