Saturday 25 June 2016

When love comes to town aka The Town that came-a-Courtin - review

Bestselling author Abby Houston is in the middle of a book tour promoting her new best seller when she arrives in Bliss, Mississippi to visit a friend. Known as a celebrity, the local townsfolk are ecstatic when she arrives and are convinced she would be a great match for the town’s mayor Spencer Bancroft.

Determined to get them together, everyone does what they can to make them realise that they can both find love and to satisfy the town they both agree to a date. But while it’s used as a publicity stunt to help promote her new book, the couple also have to put up with the constant presence of locals who want to see them both happy.

After a couple of dates which don’t go as well as they’d hoped, Abby decides it’s time to move on & prepares to leave town along with her publicist, but when an obsessed fan kidnaps her in the hope of keeping her as his own, the attention of the townsfolk comes in helpful when they all pull together to find her and reunite Abby and Spencer.

This was a very sweet romantic comedy which gives hope that there really is someone out there for everyone even if it takes a while to find them.

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