Sunday 22 January 2017

Deep Family Secrets - review

When Joanne is woken in the early hours of the morning by her mum convinced her husband is having an affair, Joanne thinks her mum is just having another one of her ‘moments’. As they drive to where her father is it’s only when he emerges from a meeting with a male companion that Joanne’s mum accepts that she was wrong.

With Joanne trying to set herself up as a singer along with her boyfriend, she also spends time worrying about her parent’s relationship and therefore asks her dad straight if he’s having an affair. With him denying anything of the kind Joanne is happy, but when her mum later disappears and blood is found in her car, she’s not entirely convinced her dad didn’t have something to do with it.

As her worries escalate about her mum’s state of mind and her parent’s relationship, Joanne and her siblings Bobby & Lisa start to wonder whether their dad is capable of murder, but it’s not until Joanne digs deeper into the family that she realises just how many secrets have been kept.

This 80’s thriller drama was a good watch, but I wouldn’t bother watching it again.

It didn’t grip me or have me on the edge of my seat, but I’m glad I’ve watched it.

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