Tuesday 17 January 2017

Garage Sale Mystery: Guilty until proven innocent - review

Struggling to keep their second hand shop Rags to Riches afloat, Jennifer and Dani are in serious need of buyers, but when an old friend of Jennifer’s announces she’s closing her shop and they are free to take whatever they want, they jump at the chance to buy more stock.

As Jennifer revels in the number of items Sandra has to sell, while she’s looking through a barn also full of stock, she finds more than she bargained for when she discovers the body of Michael, Sandra’s former fiancĂ© in a hidden room below the barn.

Shocked and devastated, as Sandra had been led to believe he had run off with another woman, Jennifer is convinced her friend had nothing to do with his death, but when the evidence begins to lead only one way, she has to pull on all her sleuthing skills to prove Sandra’s innocence.

Meanwhile Dani is approached by a wealthy art gallery owner, who impressed by Dani’s background in art, offers her the job of managing the gallery. With the shop struggling to make ends meet and the job coming with perks such as a higher salary and international travel, Dani has a decision to make about where her heart lies.

Will she decide to jump ship and work with art or will she remain loyal to Rags in the hope the shop will pick up?

I’m a fan of any mystery movies and having enjoyed all the Garage Sale Mysteries so far, this one was no different. An ideal watch for a lazy afternoon.

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