Saturday 19 March 2016

Fighting Demons (also known as Any Day) - review

Twelve years after beating a man to death, former boxer Vian is struggling to adjust to life back on the outside following his release from jail. With his sister and nephew Jimmy putting him up for 2 weeks only, he needs to find a job and a way to keep himself out of trouble.

Scoring a job at a local pizzeria and meeting someone, Vian attempts to live a normal life spending time with his nephew and keeping up his fitness, but when Jolene discovers his past and an accident leaves his nephew in a coma, Vian quickly falls back into his old habits and reaches for the liquor.

Vian knows he needs to turn his life around, but he must fight to find the strength to do it.

To be perfectly honest I only watched this movie as Sean Bean was in it, but I ended up enjoying the movie anyway. There were a few times when I thought it had lost its way and a few scenes I felt were just filling time, but overall it was a gritty and enjoyable movie to watch.

The only thing I wasn’t happy about was that Sean portrayed an American accent rather than using his usual lovable smooth Yorkshire voice.

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