Tuesday 22 March 2016

Kingsman - The Secret Service - review

Colin Firth is Harry Hart, a highly skilled and trained spy known as a Kingsman who, when a mistake is made on a mission, is responsible for the death of a fellow agent. As he informs the dead agent’s widow, he leaves behind a medal and a phone number with her toddler son in case he ever needs it.

Fast forward 17 years and Eggsy is a trouble maker. With a criminal record and no prospects, he’s soon back in the police station after another incident, but when he uses his phone call to call the number on the back of the medal, he finds his future widening. With Harry as his mentor, Eggsy is invited into the secret world of the Kingsman and taken on by the initiation programme in an attempt to find his father’s replacement.

While Eggsy learns the skills needed to become a Kingsman, the threat of Richmond Valentine hangs over the world as he launches a free sim card allowing free internet access as well as calls & texts, but as the world gets excited about this, the spy community know there has to be more to it.

As they dig deeper into Valentine, they learn that his sim card is a front to be able to control people and in attempt to combat climate change manipulate them into committing violent acts in a bid to create a human cull.

As violence descends across the globe, Eggsy & Harry along with fellow members of the Kingsman must find a way to avoid becoming involved and using his new found skills, destroy Valentine Wood before his human cull is complete.

Starring Michael Caine, Samuel L Jackson and Mark Strong, I found this action comedy to be highly entertaining despite the huge amount of comedy violence and look forward to the sequel.

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