Thursday 26 May 2016

The 'Burbs - review

Tom Hanks is Ray Peterson, a normal suburban family man who along with his fellow neighbours becomes obsessed with finding out about the mysterious new neighbours on the street.

Encouraged by his wife to spend his week’s vacation relaxing, Ray tries his best to not be intrigued by the bizarre goings on that are happening next door, but with strange noises coming from the basement, no sign of them until after dark and a house falling into disrepair, Ray, Art and Rumsfield are determined to find out about them.

As they witness the Klopeks digging holes in the dead of night, the friends decide they must have something to hide and when fellow neighbour Walter seemingly disappears, they become convinced their new neighbours have something to do with it and will stop at nothing to expose them.

This 80’s black comedy was a bit of a letdown in that there was an absence of laugh out loud moments, but I still enjoyed it despite it being far-fetched.

Co-starring Carrie Fisher and Corey Feldman, it was worth watching, but not one I would rush to watch again.

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