Saturday 18 June 2016

Tracers - review

Cam (Taylor Lautner) is a New York bike messenger who after running up debts, owes most of his money to the Chinese Mafia.

Living in a garage and hoping to restore his late father’s car, Cam discovers a free-running gang after a run in with one of the members Nicki and realises that with a bit of work he too can do what they do.

As he begins to train with them, he learns that they use their skills to work as thieves being rewarded with big money and soon finds himself a member of the group in the hope of paying off his debts. But when they’re asked to pull off a big job and his affections for Nicki are threatened by leader of the gang Miller, Cam has to decide what’s more important – Nicki or the money – or can he have both?

I really quite enjoyed this fast paced action movie which was essentially about running and crime and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.

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