Sunday 26 February 2017

The 13 problems by Agatha Christie

During an evening with friends, Miss Marple is drawn into a conversation about unsolved mysteries. As her writer nephew, Raymond West encourages the topic, the group take it in turns to talk about a mystery while the others are challenged with trying to solve them.

With her reputation for picking up on things other people miss and being aware of everything which goes on, Miss Marple is in her element as she puts her detective skills to the test and as the evening goes on, the group talk about a variety of different mysteries.

This novel had a different story for each chapter meaning it felt like a collection of short stories, but I liked it as it made me feel less guilty when I finished a chapter and then didn’t pick it up again for a few weeks.

As a fan of Agatha Christie and with the next 7 Miss Marple novels waiting to be read on my shelf, I enjoyed this novel and it definitely won’t be my last murder mystery.

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