Thursday 2 March 2017

Dear Amy by Helen Callaghan

Margot Lewis is a secondary school teacher who in her spare time also writes an advice column, Dear Amy in the local paper. With the usual letters of heartbreak and asking questions, she’s thrown when she receives a letter supposedly from a girl who disappeared 20 years ago and is presumed dead, Bethan Avery. Surely it can’t be real?

Margot takes the letter to the police and thinks that will be the end of it, but when local girl Katie Browne goes missing, she wonders whether her disappearance has anything to do with Bethan’s.

As she struggles with the separation from her husband Eddy as well as feeling the pressure of receiving letters from Bethan, Margot’s mental state begins to deteriorate as things get on top of her and when she becomes involved in the police investigation into Bethan’s disappearance, she can’t help feeling that she may have known her when she was younger.

Haunted by memories of her past, Margot works alongside Senior Criminologist Martin Forrester as they work with the police to see if there’s any connection between Bethan and Katie, but as Margot becomes more involved, she risks her own sanity as her eagerness to help save Katie’s life, could mean losing her own.

I was gripped with this book from the start and at points couldn’t put it down – the only reason I put it down was to sleep and go to work! With chapters told from both Margot and Katie’s points of view, the story kept me interested and had me working on my own theories, but I couldn’t have predicted the twist which no one would have seen coming.

This thriller is a great debut novel and I can’t wait to read more from this author.

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